When Do You Recharge Your Batteries?

When Do You Recharge Your Batteries?
Photo by Hilary Halliwell from Pexels

Calling all corporate moms: When was the last time you recharged your batteries? Despite our superpower ability, we are NOT the Energizer Bunny and recharging is essential. And I am not referring to sleep (although it’s a form of recharge). This particular recharge is around the need to create space for yourself or choose an activity simple because YOU want to do it. As corporate moms with families, it is rare that someone encourages rejuvenation as we are often the ones supporting everyone else.

The first week of August, I recharged by attending the Global Leadership Summit. It is a 2-day event filled with some of the most inspiring people in the world. Though hosted by Willow Creek Community Church, the content is mostly non-denominational. It is an event that I have desired to attend for years, but I always had an excuse: I just had a baby or, I just got married, what about my job, Dshaun's sports…for YEARS I had been finding reasons to not attend. In-person tickets are usually sold-out in advance, but due to the pandemic, they miraculously had seats available up until the day of the event. I booked the tickets and pulled my husband along to attend. Let me tell you, the experience was AMAZING. Two days dedicated to filling my spirit. I look forward to sharing some of the wonderful insights imparted on me.

Pick something that recharges YOU and just do it. We all have that thing that sits in our heads and are quick to dismiss (you know the one where you think, “I have always wanted to do ____, but excuse, excuse, excuse”) but just book it and figure the rest out later. Your well-being, overall health, and sanity are waiting for you on the other side!

Impactful Quote

Take a break from the stresses of life and use that time to rediscover the important things that matter to you most. We all deserve an anti-stress day to recharge our batteries.
Dee Waldeck

Life Hack

This week’s life hack is all about creating productive daily schedules. I adore schedules. I accomplish three times as much when my days are planned. I have found that I tend to get in cycles where I use daily schedules for a few weeks, and then suddenly drop off. If you are new to the daily schedule life hack, or are looking to refine your planning skills, read this article for some quick tips - (all schedules are NOT created equal).

How to Create a Daily Routine That Works for You
Creating a workable schedule will make your life feel more organized by making it easier to finish daily and weekly tasks in a timely manner.

Corporate Ecology

“Until I came to IBM, I probably would have told you that culture was just one among several important elements in any organization's makeup and success — along with vision, strategy, marketing, financials, and the like... I came to see, in my time at IBM, that culture isn't just one aspect of the game, it is the game.” In the end, an organization is nothing more than the collective capacity of its people to create value.
— Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Former CEO of IBM

90% of corporate companies are the same: You have a job to do, and you get paid for that job. There are company visions, missions, and financials to track. The 10% is what makes all the difference: the culture. Do you create an environment where the administrative assistants are greeted with the same enthusiasm as the CEO? It's all about what you reward or choose to ignore. Companies don't create cultures; leaders create culture EVERY SINGLE DAY by their actions. As corporate moms, we are leaders and should always be mindful of what type of culture we are helping to create.

On Family

Have you ever sat down to watch a “family” movie, and to your horror, the words and images on the screen have your family looking at you like you are now the filth-mom? Well, Parenting Magazine to the rescue! Check out this article for a new family-friendly movie recommendations:

The Best Family-Friendly Programming to Watch This Fall
Snuggle up on the couch (and squeeze some quality family time in) with these expert-curated flicks and shows.

A Cup of Soup for You

Read the feel-good story of Mike Yung. Mike is well-known for his amazing voice and for singing in subway stations for years. You may have seen him on America's Got Talent several years ago when he blew away the judges. Well, here is an update on Mike – Also, watch his captivating voice on America’s Got Talent below!

This soul singer’s journey from subway busking to America’s Got Talent and beyond is truly inspiring
Mike Yung became an overnight star when he appeared on America’s Got Talent in 2018, but he had been entertaining commuters in New York for years.

Can I Leave You With the Voice of Mike Yung Singing a Change Is Gonna Come?