She Said My Name

In this newsletter, listen to an interview with centennials, find tips on how to be a better listener, and get inspiration from Beyonce.

She Said My Name
Photo by Eva Elijas from Pexels

I go to Lifetime Fitness once during the week, and on Saturday and Sunday. It's been a positive addition to my daily routine, and some of the body aches I had are now in the past. The staff at Lifetime are always great. A few weeks ago, my 6am Tuesday session did not go as planned. My daughter was late getting to school, I left my phone at home, and I overall felt a bit flustered. I parked the car and walked in the gym with my keys dangling from my gym bag, water bottle in hand, and a hope that the morning would get better. I enter Lifetime and receptionist said the following words BEFORE she scanned my membership ID "Hi Nashunda, welcome back!"

I was shocked. Connie, the receptionist knew my name! My day got an immediate upgrade, since I know that they see hundreds of guests a day. I am not impressionable; I haven't even had a conversation with Connie. Sometimes you don't know what you need until you get it. And on that day, Connie knowing my name gave me the small push I needed to have a better morning. Thanks Connie!

Good Quote

Everyone enjoys being acknowledged and appreciated. Sometimes even the simplest act of gratitude can change someone's entire day. Take the time to recognize and value the people around you and appreciate those who make a difference in your lives.

Roy T. Bennett


Below is a refreshing interview with centennials. The level of optimism is beautiful, and reminds us that we can learn a great deal from each generation.

Corporate Ecology

What should corporate leaders focus on in 2022? MIT Sloan School of Management asked faculty about their insights into 2022, and they offered some valuable perspectives......

"Organizations' digital transformations got a huge push forward in the past year—on the technology front, anyway. In terms of the human experience, managers still need to learn how to help teams navigate disruptions more effectively. It's a serious challenge on three levels at once: people need to take on new roles, acquire new capabilities, and direct emotional energy down productive paths. But two of these are almost always neglected: crafting new roles and managing dynamic emotions. Building a systematic framework for navigating change is a powerful way to keep all three elements in focus......" - Hal Gregersen

Read all of the insights below...

MIT Insights 2022

On Family

Here’s an article that explores SIMPLE rituals that bring the family closer. I enjoyed the notion of having a day of the week for a certain type of meal – like "pasta night" or "Taco-Tuesday". Seriously considering implementing.

10 Non-Holiday Traditions That Can Truly Bond a Family
There is an endless list of traditions: religious traditions, new year’s traditions, birthday, wedding, and Thanksgiving traditions, the list goes on and on.


I was talking to a friend several years ago and we were discussing great leaders. Sarah shared a manager named Bob that was the best manager she ever had. I asked Sarah what made Bob such an excellent boss. "When Bob talked to me, I felt like the most important person in the world."

Listening is powerful, it's something we have to work particularly hard on in the age of distraction and electronics. Below is a great article that shares tips on how you can become a better listener.

"The first step is to listen with no judgments." Read the rest of the article below.

How to Be a Better Listener
Being a good listener can help you in every aspect of your life – with family and friends, and with your colleagues at work. Learn how to up your listening game.

Can I Leave You with Inspiration from Beyonce?

Beyonce Inspirational Video
What Beyoncé tells women gives you goosebumps. This is POWERFUL!