School Has Started – Buckle Up!

School Has Started – Buckle Up!
Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

The school year has commenced, and I can feel the level of stress already rising. In true start-of-school spirit, I received a cryptic email from my daughter’s high school that will require some decoding. Wednesdays school will start late. First week of school half-day - but only on Thursday and Friday.  No school on September 7th - my calendar and mental well being can't take much more.  

I have a 15-year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy. In my mind, I truly believed my kids would straight A students. But then reality pushed me off the balance beam and laughed. If my kids can get to school on time and remember their backpacks – it’s a great day! On top of school, there are health concerns – COVID has resurfaced again in the past few weeks and has viciously derailed all plans. From schedule changes, forms, bus route adjustments (the shortage is real), to school emails, school emails, and…yep, school emails, it’s no wonder that stress is beginning to boil under the surface.

I was more proactive this year in getting the kids ready for school  than before (thanks Amazon for the school supplies), which has eased stress levels. The key for me getting through the school year is to celebrate the small victories, brace myself for uncertainty, and drink wine.  Corporate moms, rest assured – the remainder of this newsletter has nothing to do with school. With that, I hope you enjoy!

Deep Quote

"Imaginary obstacles are insurmountable. Real ones aren’t. But you can’t tell the difference when you have no real information. Fear can create even more imaginary obstacles than ignorance can. That’s why the smallest step away from speculation and into reality can be an amazing relief…The Reality Solution means: Do it before you’re ready.”
Barbara Sher

Life Hack

I feel as though I am on a constant journey to get rid of “stuff.” If you are like me, this article on removing clutter will give you some much-needed tips and tricks!

Decluttering Tips – Steve Pavlina

Corporate Ecology

Here is an informative Forbes article on what is being called, “The Great Resignation.” Employees are leaving jobs at record high rates and the overall tolerance levels are low. Quoted from the article,

"Until recently, many businesses adopted a similar, ‘you’ll get what we give you and like it’ attitude toward employee and customer requests. But in these post-pandemic days, new research confirms people won’t tolerate being treated like a toddler when it comes to their work and customer experience."

Read the full Forbes article below.

How CEOs Can Keep Their Best People Through The Great Resignation
The great resignation is in full swing, and CEOs are having to adjust to new expectations to retain top talent. To keep their best people, businesses need empathetic CEOs ready to nurture a culture of trust and transparency.

On Family

I find family cultures and traditions of all sorts incredibly fascinating. Did you know: In China, after the mother gives birth, she practices a ritual called, zuo yue zi. The practice of zuo yue zi means that a mother will not brush her teeth, bathe, or wash her hair in the first month post-birth so she can regain her strength. Click on the YouTube video below for more family traditions around the world!

A Cup of Soup for You

Every great achievement begins with the practice of visualization. Dr. Tara Stewart shared a groundbreaking study that compares physical effort to visualization techniques. I am a firm believer that you must see your desired future before it can come to fruition, but hearing this concept supported by a neuroscientist makes it all-the-more powerful!  (1 min, 45 secs)

Can I Leave You With a Song?

Warning -- This song is 100% guaranteed to leave you feelin’ good. Presenting: Keri Hilson’s Pretty Girl Rock!!