Multidimensional Corporate Woman

Multidimensional Corporate Woman


Welcome to my weekly newsletter. For the corporate woman with a family, this should be like a cup of Haagen-Dazs (yeah, I had to Google the spelling) coffee ice cream. Every week I hope to bring you interesting thoughts, articles, quotes, and some music that will either make you shake a leg or want to kiss someone. My newsletters will be short and sweet as we all have busy lives.

I see writing for aspiring entrepreneurs, mom blogs, and of course things like, “How to Climb the Corporate Ladder.” I don’t, however, information for the corporate woman who has a good career, a full-time job as a mom, and wants to ensure they have the right balance to embody a fulfilling life. I’m not trying to be the next start-up sensation, but I want to know how I can spend time reading, making sure my son gets to basketball practice, and laugh with a friend while cooking dinner. I don’t have a burning desire to be featured in Forbes, but I want to create meaningful experiences with my husband. More than anything, I want to live, learn, expand, be there for my family, and have fun. And of course, I want to wake up with my coffee, corporate shirt and pajamas, and execute my role like a full-out BOSS.

Enjoy the content below!

Quote to make your day POP

I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. - Marilyn Monroe

Life Hack -  5 Tips for Working Moms

I love the simplicity of this 2-minute article. The first tip is refreshing – make your bed. I am the first to admit that I don’t do this every day, but I have noticed that when I do, I am more productive. There is something powerful in this simple life hack.  Enjoy!

5 Tips for Working Moms to Stay Productive & Reach Success | Indium

Corporate Ecology

I see you, Japan—its government recommends 4-day work weeks to help with mental health. The most interesting aspect of this article is this quote:

"Microsoft in Japan instituted a temporary three-day weekend in August 2019 — which resulted in a reported 40 percent increase in productivity, according to the company, and reduced electricity consumption and paper printing."

Many companies would believe a 4-day work week will reduce productivity, but with Microsoft in Japan, it actually increased productivity —fascinating!

Click below to view the entire article.

Japan Proposes 4-Day Work Week To Improve Work-Life Balance
The Japanese government has just released its annual economic policy guideline, which includes recommendations that companies permit their staff to opt to work four days a week instead of five.

On Family

A study found that waking up 1 hour early decreased depression significantly. This is a work-in-progress item for me, but I see the benefits. My kids always appear to be in a mad dash getting ready for school. If they woke up earlier, their temperament would be better as they start the day. It’s hard, but as a mom, I must set a good example! Click below to read the article.

Study on depression

Photo by bruce mars / Unsplash

A cup of soup for you

This is an oldie but goodie 3-minute Ted Talk by Angela Duckworth, the author of GRIT.  In 3 minutes, she shares timeless wisdom on the success that is valuable for every member of the family - enjoy!

Can I leave you with a song?

Music is energy, music is life. Songs are powerful displays of emotion and connect to us on a deep, intuitive level. May the song below make you smile and dance - even if it’s just a little jig in your desk chair 😉

That's it! I will see you next week with new content.  If you enjoyed the content, don't be shy, subscribe  or forward this email to a friend!  Until next time, corporate wonder woman!