It's December!

It's December!
Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels

It's December already—time moves at such an incredibility fast pace. Before you know it, the year is ending, the snow is falling, and the kids are growing too quickly for you to comprehend. Use this month to reflect on your life and its joys, sorrows, peaks, and valleys. I thought 2020 was rough, but the valleys of 2021 truly shook me. One of the main lessons I take from 2021 is that life is fragile; it is not infinite, and it can change in an instant. Take and make time for those who are important to you. Although some of the valleys of 2021 were exceptionally low, some of the peaks were also exceptionally high. Last week was a peak: I got to see my extended family for Thanksgiving, my mom and dad saw my youngest for the first time, and our 12-hour drive was safe both ways. I am thankful. I am grateful. I am blessed. Enjoy the content below!

Good Quote

Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.
Mark Twain


I went to the gym on Monday and saw a fellow gym mate, Karen. We must have the same workout schedule, since I typically see her once a week. Karen and I chatted for about 15 minutes. She is 66 years old, retired, and has two kids, a boy and a girl who are in their 20s.

We engaged in our typical friendly dialogue, but today Karen was a bit more talkative than usual. She shared her views on everything from vaccines to the Kyle Rittenhouse case. We agreed on some topics, but on others I completely disagreed with Karen. Although she and I see the world differently, I still enjoyed the interaction. I will continue to talk to her in the same way; nothing changes because of our different worldviews. I don't define engagements with people based on where we disagree, but more on where we come together. Karen and I are both mothers who enjoy the gym, the pool, and our kids. And that is enough to keep us talking.

Corporate Ecology

Sometimes the title of an article is just as powerful as the content. Read this refreshing title......

"18 Books on How To Build High-Performing, Inclusive Cultures That Every Business Leader Should Read"

I love this title! Any book lists always draw me in, as I love to read. I wish there were more hours in the day just so that I could read more. I particularly love this title because it merges business leadership with the creation of high performing, inclusive teams. Inclusion and leadership should be two words that are naturally associated.

Once you open the article, you see a picture of Minda Harts, author of the book "The Memo: What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table." I was proud to see a black author featured first in a list of books for business leaders. This list is so good you will be reaching for that Amazon app within minutes!

18 books on how to build high-performing, inclusive cultures that every business leader should read
These books, from “Dare to Lead,” to “The Memo,” will help corporate leaders create great workplace cultures.

On Family

Money is a big part of family dynamics. In the article below, read a few stories on the best financial advice that people have received. There are a few golden nuggets within the article. As a late investor, my favorite is that it's never too late to invest. Michael started investing at 55, conducted personal research, and talked to a financial advisor. His investing portfolio has done well 10 years later – for instance, he bought Amazon at $800 a share, and it's now $3500 a share. I am curious to know how many shares of Amazon Michael has???

We asked, you answered: The best financial advice you ever got
Financial planners are usually older men. But not on TikTok. Meet the young women using the app to change the narrative around financial literacy.


Headspace is a popular mediation app. They have a decent article on how to be more present. One of the tips centers around being present when eating: sitting down, taking your time, and enjoying your food. It's not always feasible, but I am willing to bet that eating with an intent to be fully present is healthier than gulping food down in a rush. Click on the link below for the rest of the tips.

How to Be More Present - Headspace
The biggest gift we can each give ourselves is the gift of being present — engaged with life, connected with each other, listening with kindness, free from judgment.

Can I Leave You with a Song?

Adele!!!! Every part of this song is beautiful: the piano, Adele's voice, the inflections, pace… simply a work of art.