Daycare 2022

In this newsletter, learn the history of the "Stockdale Paradox", listen to inspiration from PINK, and learn how to stop procrastinating.

Daycare 2022
Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels

If you have a child in daycare, you’re probably familiar with the messages about classes having to quarantine because of a case of COVID in the class. It's an automatic 10-day quarantine period, and fortunately, we have only had to experience it once.

I am thankful that our quarantine period was during the Christmas holiday. My little one was back at daycare for three days, and then he was out again for almost a week with a cold (thankfully not COVID). The type of scheduling uncertainty caused by COVID has been quite a disruption to corporate moms. I know two families that have taken their kid out of daycare until activity stabilizes. I admit, I used to love getting notes and emails from the daycare center, but now I hesitate before opening them in fear of being hit with a 10-day quarantine at any moment.  

At the same time, if this policy helps someone from getting sick or worse, then it is worth the inconvenience. I look forward to better days and better news on this topic.

Stay safe and warm, corporate moms!


You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand."
Woodrow Wilson


The diary of a CEO - Ali Abdaal on Procrastination

Do you know the key to overcoming procrastination? In this 4-minute podcast clip, Ali Abdaal does an amazing job setting a framework on how to process procrastination to achieve more.

Corporate Ecology

As I read content on leadership, I kept running into a term called the “Stockdale Paradox”. I finally decided to track down its roots - and the concept and story behind it is fascinating. The concept was first introduced by Jim Collins in his book Good to Great. Jim writes in the article below about the history of the concept and the story of Admiral Jim Stockdale. Once you read the story behind the concept, it will be etched into your memory forever.

Jim Collins - Concepts - The Stockdale Paradox

On Family

Alyson is a family blogger. She created a resource page for parents that are filled with goodies - it's worth a click.

Parenting Resources to Improve your Family by Alyson Schafer
Check out Alyson’s Resources from Experienced Experts on General Parenting, Parenting Teens, Conflict & Anger, Raising Boys and Independence.


If I lived close to London, I would enjoy staying here for a quick vacation. It's called unplugged, a place that has individual rooms to disconnect from the world. They literally take your phone and lock it up upon arrival. I would be apprehensive about not having my phone at all for a few days. Check it out below.

Unplugged - Digital detoxes at off-grid cabins
The antidote to endless Zoom calls and eternal social media scrolling. Lock your phone away for a 3-day digital and distraction-free stay in nature. Choose a cabin escape to truly switch off.

Can I Leave You With Inspiration from PINK?

Pink’s speech brings audience to tears
Pink’s empowering speech about embracing your individuality #inspire #loveyourself #embrace #pink Credit : MTV